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Here is the recording of the webinar

Unlocking The Tiptoe Walking Secret

and here is your access to the next COURSE

A complete course for therapists

Tiptoe Walking Demystified

Become the Therapist Your Patients Need: Learn from Basics to Intervention.

Addressed to

👩‍⚕️Physical therapist and occupational therapist professionals.
👩‍⚕️Physical therapist and occupational therapist students
👩‍⚕️Pediatricians, physiatrists


✅ Four sessions on Saturdays: September 2, 9, 16 and 23.
⏰ 11 AM (Miami Time).
⏰ 10 AM (Colombia Time)
⏰ 9 AM (Mexico Time)
⏰ 5 PM (Spanish Time)

Duration from 1.5 to 2 hours per session. Total +8 HRS.

What will you accomplish?

✅ You will learn the solid theoretical foundation necessary to gain an in-depth understanding of the anatomy, neuroanatomy and biomechanics involved in toe walking.
✅ You will gain an in-depth, up-to-date knowledge of toe walking, enabling you to provide more specialized and effective care to your patients.
✅ You will acquire skills to identify and differentiate the various causes that can lead to tiptoeing, allowing you to make a more accurate diagnosis.
✅ You will learn how to perform complete and detailed assessments, using various tools and scales, to determine the specific needs of your patients.
✅ You will be able to design individualized treatment plans, considering each patient's unique needs and clinical situation.
✅ You will know a wide range of therapeutic techniques and strategies to effectively address toe walking.

Join this course and develop your skills in tiptoe walking, transforming you into a highly skilled and confident therapist in your clinical practice. Don't miss out on this valuable professional growth opportunity!

In addition, in this COURSE you will be able to take with you:

1️⃣ PDF with the slides
2️⃣ Activities to be developed during the course
3️⃣ Digital agenda designed (note sheets)
4️⃣ Format of some of the tests
5️⃣ Evaluation format
6️⃣ Research articles)
7️⃣ Weekly support material
8️⃣ Whatsapp support group
9️⃣ Exercises for home
🔟 Gif of vias[a]
✳ Diploma of attendance

Diseño sin título.png



- Generalities of gait
- Anatomy
- Kinesiology of movement
- Neurology
- Causes of tiptoe gait
- Implications
- Long-term consequences
Tiptoe gait
- Orthopedic
- Sensory
- Lack of integration of primitive reflexes
- Neurological
- Other causes (idiopathic)


Medical Treatment Overview
Physiotherapeutic evaluation
- General
- Gait analysis
Evaluation from orthopedics (Explanation of how to develop each evaluation scale): Format of each of these scales.
- Test 50 feet
- Questionnaire
- Hamstring index
- Thomas test
- Length measurements
- Hindfoot measurements
Evaluation of primitive reflexes
- Labyrinthine tonic: How to evaluate it in different ages.


Sensory evaluation (Tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular evaluation forms)
- Sensory profile 2 (Explanation of the assessment scale and examples)
- Tactile
- Proprioceptive
- Vestibular
Proprioceptive assessment: General
Tone assessment
- Ashworth (review)
Motor skills assessment scales
- Trunk Assessment Scale (general)
- PDSM 2 and BOT (General)


- Clinical cases (6) where we will develop the scales of evaluation and physiotherapeutic intervention with ideas of:
- orthopedic treatment
- treatment for TL integration
- treatment for sensory management

Closing and delivery of the diploma in PDF

The 4 sessions

+PDF with the slides

+Activities to be developed during the course

 +Digital agenda designed (note sheets)

+Format of some of the tests

+Evaluation form

+Research articles)

+Weekly support material

+Support group on Whatsapp

+Home exercises

+Gif of vias[a]

+Diploma of attendance


For only 45 USD in the next 48 hrs.

40% savings

Use the code PUNTILLAS at checkout.

Or if you prefer you can SEPARATE YOUR PLACE IN THE COURSE for only 20 USD in the next 48 hrs and pay $40 USD, one day before the course starts.

15% savings

Do you need support in your purchase? 
Do not hesitate to contact me.

¿Aún no te decides?

Browse all free resources for therapists and professionals:

  • Facebook - círculo blanco
  • Instagram - Círculo Blanco
  • WhatsApp
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